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Animation: How a Washer Works

Animation: How a Washer Works

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Photo - Animation: How a Washer Works Information

Description: Day after day we burden our washing machines with big loads of dirty laundry and instead of complaining, they simply get to work giving back nothing but fresh and clean clothes in return. Impressive to say the least!

We know the basics about how they do this, but have you ever wondered what exactly is going on during a full-cycle of a washing machine? In order to satisfy curious minds we decided to take a peek under the lid and put together this animation of a behind the scenes look at a washing machine in action. Check it out for yourself and if you find it as cool as we do, please share it with your friends!
Keywords: washing machine, washer, cleaning, water, how it works, functions, runs, working, works, cycle, cleans, parts, understand
Date: 25.03.2013 13:24
Hits: 21932
Downloads: 93
Rating: 0.00 (0Vote(s))
File size: 864.1 KB
Added by: Jeremy31
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